Dreaming of owning a home but you're self-employed? Here's some good news: You may be able to get that mortgage!
In reality, it's more doable than you might think. Even if you're among the 30% who believe they can't, Sturgess have got you covered.
Swansea Bay Business Awards category sponsor Sturgess Mortgage Solution, work with specialists and open-minded mainstream lenders who have tailored solutions for self-employed people.
Self-employment doesn't have to be the hurdle it once was. Sturgess Mortgage Solutions expertise and dedication are here to make your journey smoother and stress-free.
Ready to explore your options? Get in touch to book an appintment today:
info@sturgessmortgage.co.uk | 01792 399155 | https://www.sturgessmortgage.co.uk/ #blog #money #selfemployed #business #businessawards #SBBA
